Free Street Photography Ebooks

Free Street Photography Ebooks

A growing library with Free Street Photography E-Books. The mostly self published guides and manuals are filled with recommendations for street photo cameras, techniques, ethics and much more. The Table of Content excerpts show to expect inside each ebook. Click on the Cover Image or the link beneath it to view each ebook online or download it as pdf.

Title, Author, Link to Download or ViewChapters (TOC)Get It herePublishing Year
9 Things You Can Learn About Street Photography from Vivian Maier
Escalate Photography, 2017

9 things you can learn about street photography from vivian maier

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1 - Keep A Secret
2 - Take One Photo and Move On
3 - Frame Things Up
4 - Selfies are okay
5 - If you look insane, you´re doing it right
6 - Don´t ask for permission
7 - Go where the action is
8 - Use architecture
9 - Make eye contact
Anti-manual on Street Photography
By Michail Moscholios, 2017

Anti manual on Street Photography by Michail Moscholios

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1. Quid est, qui est
2. Have a dream
3. Visual education or ignorance?
4. Staging
5. Have a visual urge
6. All has been said
7. Thou shalt not copy but steal
8. Go viral or go home
9. Madness vs mediocrity
10. Camera pre-sets
11. Arte povera
12. Curators and judges
13. Revelations
14. What's next
15. Confession
Beginners´guide to Flash Street Photography
By Christopher Wilson, 2017

Beginners guide to flash street photography

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1. Intro
2. Why use flash?
3. Why not use flash?
4. Important concepts and ideas with flash
5. The Guide number
6. Styles of flash
7. Flash street photographers you should check out
Collecting Souls
By Thomas Leuthard, 2011

Collecting Souls Thomas Leudhard

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1. What it means to me... 8
2. It's a way of life... 12
3. Don't try this at home... 14
4. Don’t listen to others... 16
5. How to handle critics... 18
6. Don’t lose the lesson
7. Change your mindset
8. Fear kills the Shot
9. Expect the Unexpected.
10. Get better with every shot
11. Preparation is everything
12. Getting good ideas
13. What you see is what you get
14. Look how you look
15. The stealthy photographer
16. Off-Street Training
17. Should I walk or should I run...?
18. Killers shoot twice
19. It's not just about shooting
20. It's all about passion.
21. Being fed up
22. Don't look back
23. Flash Those Faces
24. Respect those Rights
25. They are all the same.
26. The Perfect Camera
27. He doesn’t even use a Leica
28. You can buy quality
29. Fix it in your Camera
30. Title before exposure
31. Don't trust a photo
32. What about the Soul
33. United We Shoot
34. Pay It Forward
35. Living from Street Photography
Das ist doch keine Kunst, Gedanken zur Street Photography
By Tobias Gaulke, 2013

Das ist doch keine Kunst Tobias Gaulke

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1. Warum denn ein Buch?
2. Was sind denn so Deine Erfahrungen?
3. Gibt es dann einen Unterschied zwischen „Fotografieren auf der Strasse“ und „Street Photography“?
4. Was kann ich von der Street Photography lernen?
5. Aber da bekomme ich doch sicher Ärger?
6. Gegen wie viele Gesetze verstoße ich, wenn ich Bilder auf der Strasse mache?
7. Wo kann ich Street Photography mal ausprobieren?
8. Ich will aber lieber nicht alleine losziehen?!
9. Gut, ich hätte da schon ein paar Ideen...
10. Welche Kamera brauche ich für Street Photography?
11. Hier gibt es aber doch keine Motive?
12. Und was ist Dein Ansatz?
13. Deine Bilder sehen immer so düster aus?
14. Wie kommst Du denn auf den Titel für das Buch?
15. Was mache ich denn mit den ganzen Fotos?
16. Und was ist kurz gesagt das Allerwichtigste?
17. Wo kann ich noch mehr erfahren?
18. Was ich aber gern noch wüsste...?
19. Wo finde ich die Bilder aus diesem Buch?
Die Kunst der Street Fotografie
Martin U Waltz, 2018

Die Kunst der Street fotografie Martin U Waltz

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1. Die Ausrüstung
2. Wie fange ich an?
3. Wie fotografere ich auf der Straße?
4. Tipps und Tricks
5. Häufge Fehler
6. Darf ich das eigentlich?
7. Streetfotografe in Deutschland
Essentials of Street Photography
Joel Mataro (Daan), 2013

The Essentials of Street Photography by Daan Jayvee Mataro

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1. Layers
2. Light
3. Focus
4. Gestures
5. Moment
6. Context
Going Candid... An unorthodox approach to Street Photography
Thomas Leuthard, 2011

Going Candid An unorthodox approach to Street Photography Thomas Leuthard

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1. Table of Content
2. Introduction
3. Equipment
4. It’s Prime Time
5. My Workflow
6. Learn to see
7. Have a Plan
8. About Light
9. Composition
10. Camera Settings
11. Decisive Moment
12. Perspective
13. Post Processing
14. Color or B&W
15. Grow your Balls
16. Going Candid...
17. Safer Shooting
18. 3 Ways to Shoot
19. The Law
20. Legalize it
21. Ethics
22. Rocking Flickr
23. Flickr Explore
24. Marketing
25. Copy is right
26. Your own Style
27. Some Excuses
28. Traveling
29. The Best Time
30. New Places
31. Balancing
32. The Future
Guide to Street Photography
Lens Culture, 2019

Guide to Street Photography Lens Culture 2019

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1. Street photography as a process: Essay by Serge J-F. Levy
2. In search of poets and new masters: Interview with photo editor Olivier Laurent
3. Street manipulations: Interview with photographer Esther Hovers
4. Time, patience and repetition: Interview with photographer Matt Stuart
5. Submit your work: Competitions and Festivals
6. Feedback, workshops and reviews: The key to growth and connections
7. Embrace the darkness: Interview with photographer Arko Datto
8. Know your why: Interview with publisher Dewi Lewis
9. Shining a light on absurd moments: Interview with photographer Feng Li
10. Curiosity over intellect: Interview with Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb
11. Photographs from the periphery: Thoughts on Vivian Maier by curator Anne Morin
12. Project Spotlight
13. Book recommendations
14. Film recommendations
15. Instagram Spotlight
How to shoot Street Photography
Erik Kim, 2016

How To Shoot Street Photography Eric Kim

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1. What is “street photography”?
2. What is the best camera for Street photography?
3. What is the best lens for street Photography?
4. 15 street photography Techniques
5. How to shoot candid street Photography
6. How to shoot black and white Street photography
7. How to shoot color street Photography
8. How to shoot street Portraits
9. How to shoot layers in street Photography
10. How to shoot urban landscapes
11. 70 street photography tips
Photographing Strangers
Karlo de Leon, 2016

Photographing Strangers Karlo de Leon

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1. Belief systems
2. Studying people
3. Perception and behavior
4. Goal: candid or posed?
5. Building trust
6. Location and activities
7. Shoot out or stay hidden
8. Clothes
9. Body language
10. Candid shooting
11. The art of dealing with confrontation
12. Camera tricks for candid photography
13. Asking strangers to pose
14. Conclusion
Quickstart Street Photography
Oliver Duong, 2017

Quickstart Street Photography Oliver Duong

Currently not available online
1. Street Cameras
2. Street Settings
3. Street Laws
4. Getting rid of fear
5. Understanding Street
6. What to shoot
7. Street mindset
8. Street Ressources
Thomas Leuthard, 2013

Seelenraub Thomas Leuthard

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1. Was kann ich erwarten?
2. Meine Art der Fotografie
3. (Neu)gierig nach Menschen
4. Nur eine schwarze Box
5. Autodidaktisch zum Ziel
6. Warum mache ich das?
7. Ich denke nicht, ich mache Fotos...
8. 10 Dinge in einer Sekunde
9. What you see is what you get...
10. Erste Projekte
11. Out of the Camera
12. Der Foto Marathon Ansatz
13. "Sag mal Einstellung, Digga"
14. Zeit ist alles
15. Das gewisse Etwas
16. Neugier & Kreativität
17. Intim werden
18. Beschneiden macht nicht mutiger
19. Was man mit Geld nicht kaufen kann
20. Geschichten erzählen
21. Die grafische Sicht
22. Treppen
23. Von Phase zu Phase
24. Das Perfekte Bild
25. “Zwölf gute Fotos in einem Jahr...”
26. Seinen eigenen Stil entwickeln
27. Stilbruch
28. In 60 Sekunden zu einem guten Bild
29. Weniger ist mehr
30. Ordnung ist das halbe Leben
31. Schlechte Tage
32. Andere Städte = Andere Sichten
33. Andere Länder, andere Sitten
34. Warum ich so viel reise
35. Wie finanziere ich das Ganze
36. Verkauft nicht eure Seele
37. Was ich in meiner Tasche habe
38. Papier & Bleistift
39. Das böse Internet
40. Die digitale Visitenkarte
41. Welche Plattform?
42. Selbstverstümmelung
43. In voller Pracht
44. Popularität versus Qualität
45. Neue Bilder braucht das Land
46. Geld macht nicht glücklich
47. Bildrechte ≠ Geld
48. Tags, Tags, Tags
49. Was macht mich glücklich
50. Street Fotografen verbündet Euch
51. Kleider machen Street Fotografen
52. Scheisse! Es regnet...
53. Schau mir in die Augen
54. Angst? Wovor denn?
55. Wie verhalte ich mich?
56. Und das Gesetz?
57. Politisch korrekt
58. Schämst Du Dich denn nicht?
59. Es könnte Kritik hageln
60. Motive für Weicheier
61. Da war doch mal und Eye5?
62. Der Weg ist das Ziel
63. Wie sieht die Zukunft aus?
64. Warum sind meine Fotos nicht so gut?
65. Fazit
Street Photography an ebook
Alex Coghe, 2012

Street Photography an Ebook Alex Coghe

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1. Rules of Street Photography
2. Street candid portrait is Street Photography?
3. The many faces of Street Photography.
4. Photography without street photography.
5. In your face apology
6. Eye contact or invisible photographer?
7. I am the invisible man!
8. 25 most influential street photographers of all time
9. How i shoot in the street. An unplanned adventure
10. Shoot from the hip. The discovery of a technique.
11. A guide to understanding and use the zone focusing.
12. The importance of light (and shadows)
13. As our approach may change with street photography.
14. My 10 tips
15. The search of the Unicorn: the surreal element in street photography
16. 10 zen ways to improve your street photography.
17. The L.A. Chronicles
Street Photography for the Purist
Chris Weeks, 2006

Street Photography for the Purist Chris Weeks

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1. Severin Koller – Austria
2. Michael Kaiser – Germany
3. Matthew Craig – United States of America
4. Rainer Pawellek – France
5. Deborah Delasio – Italy
6. Errol Lyons-Rainey – United Kingdom
7. Darren Abate – United States of America
8. Massimiliano Mortillaro – Czech Republic
9. Bernhard Wolf – Austria
10. Patrick Kahn – Los Angeles/Paris
Street Photography Short Guide
Kent DuFault, 2014

Street Photography Short Guide by Kent DuFault

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1. Street Photography
2. The Distance Method
3. The In Your Face Method
4. 15 Tips For Getting Started In Street
Street Photography: Ask to take their picture- or not?
Diane Wehr, 2017

Street Photography- Ask to take their picture- or not diane Wehr

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1. Does the law require me to ask?
2. Does the culture dictate that i ask?
3. Do my personal values require that i ask? Is it ethical?
4. How will my portfolio change if i always ask?
5. Self-check quiz
Street Photography
Daniel Hoffmann, 2016

Street Photography Daniel Hoffmann

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1. More photo talk, less equipment talk
2. My top 10 tips for better street photos
3. Additional street photots
4. Street stories of China
The Candid Frame on Street Photography
Ibarionex Perello, 2015

The Candid Frame on Street Photography Ibarionex Perello

Currently not available online
1. Introduction
2. Practice Simplicity
3. Use a High ISO
4. See the Light
5. Find the Setting
6. Wait for the Subject
7. Get closer
8. Exhaust the possibilities
9. Look for the gesture
10. Know your rights
11. Be honest and open
12. Ressources
Not available online2015
The Essential Resource Guide to Street Photography
Lens Culture, 2016

The Essential Resource Guide to Street Photography Lens Culture 2016

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1. Message from Matt Stuart
2. Books on Street Photography
3. Workshops
4. Videos
5. Websites & Blogs
6. Epilogue
The Street Photography Bible
Michael Ernest Sweet, 2014

The Street Photography Bible Michael Ernest Sweet

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1. What is Street Photography?
2. The Camera (keep it simple)
3. Film vs. Digital (use both)
4. Color vs. Black and White (use both)
5. People - To ask or not to ask?
6. Subject Matter - Going Beyond People
7. Place
8. Composition
9. To Flash ot not to Flash?
10. Lenght Does Matter and Shorter is Better
11. Being Unique (not an easy task)
12. The Day I Met Bruce Gilden
13. To Flickr, or Not to Flickr?
14. Getting Notived and Achieving Fame
15. Finding a Home for Your Work
16. All Things iPhone
17. Joel Meyerowitz
18. Marc Cohen
19. Daido Moriyama
20. Garry Winogrand
21. William Klein
22. Robert Frank
23. William Eggleston
24. Some Contemporary Greats
25. Books and Magazines
26. Camera Stores
27. About the Author
Wear Good Shoes, Advice from Magnum Photographers
Magnum, 2017

Wear Good Shoes Advice From Magnum Photographers

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1. Learn
2. Vision&Voice
3. Passion
4. Consistency
5. Risk
WhereverI may roam...
Tobias Gaulke, 2014

Wherever I may roam Tobias Gaulke

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1. Preface
2. Photography is not about your gear
3. Some more thoughts on photography.
4. Some thoughts on Street Photography
5. Try it out!
6. Getting better on the streets
7. Technical stuf
8. haring means caring
9. Street Photography and travel
10. Athens, Greece.
11. Get in touch with me.
Your Street Photography Entrance
Sebastian Jacobitz, 2015

Your Street Photography Entrance Sebastian Jacobitz

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1. What is Street Photography
2. Why are we photographing
3. Controlling your Camera: The Exposure Triangle
4. Accepting Failure in Street Photography
5. It doesn’t have to be perfect
6. Perceive Opportunities
7. The Comedian with a Camera
8. Perfect Conditions
9. Your Street Photography Play book
10. You are not your Picture
11. The Social Media Fallacy
12. Talent vs. Training
13. Bringing Depth to your Picture
14. Be an Insider – not a Bystander
The colours of streetphotography in the 21th century
Michael Mahlke, 2013

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1. What is streetphotography?
2. Which photograpic techniques are useful?
3. Which streetphotography you like?
4. How do I recognize fineart-streetphotography?
5. Can I work as a paparazzi-photographer?
6. How do I shot with a smartphone?
7. From photos to filtermix - apps for streetphotography
8. Which cameras are better for streetphotography?
9. Panorama of streetphotography - examples from reality
10. The special offer

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Oly Mju-II in Paris
Street Photo Paris Olympus Mju-II

Oly Mju-II in Paris

Shooting two fresh rolls of Kodak Gold 200 inside a thrifts store Olympus Mju-II 35mm f/2.8 compact film camera on the streets of Paris during Photo Paris in November 6-11.2024
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Street Photography Documentaries

Street Photography Documentaries

If you’re a fan of street photography or documentary films, you’re in for a treat. I’ve zapped through the Internet1.and put together a list of over 50 feature-length documentaries that explore the world of photographers who photograph in public. This collection includes both recent releases and classic films dating back to the 1970s, with a […]
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Preisvergleich für Filmentwicklung
Fotolabore Filmentwicklung Preisvergleich

Preisvergleich für Filmentwicklung

Analoge Filmfotografen_innen, die ihre Negative entwickeln lassen möchten, finden in diesem Blogpost eine Auflistung der in Deutschland aktiv geführten Fotolabore. Neben der Labor-Standortkarte zeigt die sortierbare Preistabelle eine Übersicht der Entwicklungskosten von C41 Farbfilm, E6-Diafilm sowie Schwarzweiß-Negativen im 135 Kleinbild-, 120 & 220 Mittel- und Planfilm-Großformat in den Größen 4×5, 5×7″und 8×10″. Falls ein Fotolabor-Eintrag […]
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Howto Avoid & Fix Common Ricoh GR Problems
How to fix and avoid Ricoh GR Problems

Howto Avoid & Fix Common Ricoh GR Problems

Tips Howto Avoid & Fix Common Ricoh GR, GR II & GR III Problems. Dust on the Sensor, Closed Shutter after Power On (Broken Flex Cable), Stuck out & locked lens, Skippy Circle Dial...
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Howto repair a Ricoh GR (II) with Closed Shutter / Broken Flex Cable
Ricoh GR II Closed Shutter Problem

Howto repair a Ricoh GR (II) with Closed Shutter / Broken Flex Cable

Post Updates:– 20. Dec 2022 – Renaming article from howto farewell.. to howto repair… – 13 Sept. 2021 – Pointing to broken “Shutter Flex Cable” as possible cause I bought a Ricoh GR II in Dec. 2017 and used it as my main travel camera while backpacking in 2018. After one year and approx. 45.000 […]
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Canon Autoboy Super in Mexico

Canon Autoboy Super in Mexico

Street Photography shot on a thrift store find Canon Autoboy Super (AD35ML) film camera and expired Konica VX100 color film in Mexico City & Teotihuacan in February 2019.
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Ricoh GR II vs GR III Comparison
Ricoh GR II vs GR III Comparison

Ricoh GR II vs GR III Comparison

Post updated Jan.22.2019 (official GR III release date) The Ricoh GR II successor model GR III was released today on January 22nd 2019. As longtime Ricoh GR II fan and user, I was curious how the technical specifications and new control buttons layout of the new GR III compares to the older GR II model. My […]
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Pancake Lenses
Comparison list of pancake lenses

Pancake Lenses

Street & Travel Photographers are in love with tiny gear that weights little but still delivers good quality results. Pancake lenses are right at home in this kind of gear category. Those who look for the smallest possible Cameras with decent image quality should check out our comparison list with 31 Large Sensor Prime Lens […]
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Pinhole and Body Cap Lenses
Pin Hole Lens Portraits

Pinhole and Body Cap Lenses

Recently I bought the smallest digital Interchangeable Camera System from Craigslist. It´s called Q and it is made by Pentax (now Ricoh). The Pentax Q System consists of several Interchangeable Lenses and one of them is particularity interesting because it is very very slim, just 6.9 mm. It is the Pentax Q 07 Body Cap […]
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Ricoh GR Zone Focus Tips for Closeup Street Photography
East Broadway Holding Elmo Ricoh GR Zone Focus

Ricoh GR Zone Focus Tips for Closeup Street Photography

Ricoh GR Zone Focus Tips Howto shoot Closeup Street Photography using Snap Focus, Full Press Snap Focus & Manual Focus. Also valid for GR II & GR III
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