About Francesco Luppolo
Franceso was born in 1979 in a small town in southern Italy, a place where he lived and photographed daily life for four years, often in the company of his friend Michele V. Francesco, have never honed his technical skills. He is an autodidact and happy about it, “because it allows me to communicate without being influenced by any style”
His Black and White Photo of a portrait in front of the black void was nominated as finalist in the Single Image category of the Italian Street Photography Festival Contest in 2019. We interviewed him to learn how he made this mysterious photo and why it would was his choice for the contest.
Making Of Interview
Where and when did you make the photo, was it a familiar or new location to you?
I took this photo in the car on my way home, on an October evening 2018 a few meters from home, so a well-known and familiar location.
What was happening in the situation and what did you see that inspired you to photograph?
A dog was crossing the street, I slowed my car down a street lamp and noticed the reflection of the flyer on the dashboard of my car. I’m attracted to different things so I set the camera and shot.
Did you prepare or was it spontaneous? What were your thoughts and actions up until you pressed the shutter?
The situation was absolutely spontaneous and unexpected. It was evening and until that time I had not noticed the flyer on the dashboard of my car.
In case you made more than one exposure, could you please share some of them and describe how you “worked the scene“
I only took that photograph.
Were you happy with the image, did it come out as you imagined?
Yes, it was exactly as I imagined it.
What camera, lens, and settings did you choose?
My equipment is unusual for modern times, however a Kodak cx7530. It’s an old camera with few manual settings, 4 sec exposure times, flash forcing and mandatory black and white.
What post-processing did you do, if any?
The base, I just cut out and balance the whites.
Why did you submit this photo to the competition(s)? What makes it a good choice from your perspective?
I sent this photo because I thought it might be something different, and that’s what I’m looking for in photography. To dwell on the viewer, to ask a question. I think these are the right ingredients for the success of a photograph, in my opinion.
Is there anything you took away / learned from making this picture?
That the best things happen when you least expect it
Thanks you very much for your time and answers Francesco!